Big Energetic Shifts

There is so much happening in and around our lives that we can feel overwhelmed. We are going through tremendous changes, no matter who you are, as the large amounts of light, energies, and frequencies are entering our beings. It is so difficult to describe, yet the effects can be life changing. Our belief systems are being dismantled. What and how you thought things and life should be, might suddenly require a need to readjust or a change of your viewpoint. Hidden stuff is being revealed to do with your health, your work or relationships.

This theme will continue and we are being called to expand and move into Divine alignment. These difficulties, struggles and pains are about undoing the old illusions and the collapse of what is no longer valid in your journey as a Spiritual being in physical form. It is the conditioning of an old format that your body is holding that is reflected onto the physical landscape for your life to transform and move into a new way, new life, new being. The purging of our bodies and our physical reality is occurring.

We are all experiencing such fast moving moments. Some will feel like they are having many lives in one, changing their mind constantly, or sometimes unable to retain much in their head. If you can, just allow the process to occur, supporting yourself the best way you can. No need to put a story to it as you are just evolving. You are becoming lighter in your Consciousness.

No doubt you are changing, you feel very uncomfortable or at times have that “not right feeling”, which can be hard in every day circumstances. Just take care of yourself. Honour yourself as much as you can in any given situation, and that could be as simple as just saying… “no thanks”.

The totems around to assist you at this time are the Kookaburra and Crow. Both have a strong element of heralding in the death of the old and are also here to assist those who are crossing at this time. Take note when they are around, as it is a reminder that what you are going through is all part of the bigger picture.

Kookaburra says, “It is time for you to look ahead and not down when you walk your way. We have come to take away the tendrils of your thoughts, that trip you, up making us laugh. The Sun is rising and setting faster than my Ancestors remembering. Know your descendants are approaching.”

Crow says, “I move into the void and I return to the centre of all life, allow the cawing of Ancient songs to return to the void, hold no fear”.

The rapid energies are moving through us constantly. We must find the central, middle ground within us, to fortify and strengthen in the next level of change. In the next six months, the activation within Mother Earth will also occur. We are waking up and we are moving into a time, where we will remember the original way.

I recorded a YouTube video this week where I explain about the intensity of the current energies, what these energies are about, how the energies have been affecting us, and the dismantling of these energies within our energy centres, around the head space. There is a BIG SHIFT occurring!

Click here to watch the full version.

Nancy X

Nancy Valentine Smith

Nancy Valentine Smith is an activator, facilitator, alchemist, healer and sacred technician. She works with the indigenous energy lines of the Earth and the Waterways, and brings through profound, celestial frequencies through her words and sacred songs.

Her intensive work has taken physical place in Australia and internationally - in particular, the UK and France.

Nancy is an Alchemist who gifts the secret teachings of Ancient Wisdom to you through her events.

Portals of Change


Stepping into the LIGHT