The Divine Feminine Consciousness
Everything that is occurring on the planet is a call to return to the way of the Divine Feminine Consciousness. This will occur during these times, leading up to the year 2050.
Mother Earth is calling us to remember this way. It is a unified consciousness that celebrates, honors and cares for our uniqueness, our beauty in our individual expression. It is indeed the I AM in the WE ARE and, the WE ARE in the I AM, where we all unite to hold, to support, and to honor, the sacredness of our differences.
In each culture and race on this great planet, there is a key that is held through practices, through music, through dances, through births and deaths, that is part of their cultural identity. This is important because this, is one of the portals to the Divine Feminine. Globalisation tends to push out the way of the Divine Feminine. We are witnessing on the planet, the battle cries of an old order, a dismantling.
There is an activation occurring in our hearts, to wake up from a deep slumber. The bombardment of fear tactics is intruding upon us daily. We are of the Earth, and we are of the Stars. The time of the Divine Feminine is here, within us. I feel we must start seeing from these lenses, to bring it more into view. Nature has been and will continue to move in this way. The rains, the earthquakes, the volcanoes, and fires, are the elemental forces of transformation, revelation and the returning of the Divine Feminine.
Nancy X