Nancy Valentine Smith

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Stepping into the LIGHT

What a time it has been!

In April, we started to go into a descent, into the core of our being. The rumblings and the tremor of our physical being, emotional being, mental and energy, got louder and stronger. The deep process of a de-structuring, a dislodging, started to occur.

The old consciousness within us, can no longer be. Many are experiencing the intensity through their physical body. Different parts of our bodies are feeling the disruption of this dislodgement. It hasn’t been easy and at times, it has been overwhelming.

We are being pulled to move into our new. And that is dependent on your souls calling. Your soul is calling you to discard the layers of illusion. There are moments where you’re going to feel the energies of fear, connected to struggle and survival, quite strongly. We have been so used to these feelings controlling us. The intensity of it at the moment, is because we are moving out of the embodiment of fear and survival. Self-Love and Care is so important. Affirmations, prayer, meditation, gentleness and kindness towards self, are powerful remedies.

In May, we plummeted into the depths of fear. Our bodies became scared, as the rumblings of the de-structuring, ramped up. There was unusual, never seen before activity in the energy realms, which has made it difficult for us at times, to decipher.

Remember, that everything is frequency specific. As above, so below. As within, the outer will show. You have the power. In the peripheral of your being, your life, is source LIGHT. Pull it in, step into the light, it is within you and around you.

There is a door that has opened, through the transmutation and the processes that you are going through. The inner child fully healed, is waiting.

Nancy X