Nancy Valentine Smith

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This Evolutionary Ascension Time

One of the major symptoms of this evolutionary ascension time is the tiredness and the exhaustion that we are feeling. This tiredness is impacting many of us differently. The common reasons for this tiredness include, the transmutation process we are all in, the torrential downpour of high frequencies, the Quantum Consciousness opening in our 3D realities and, the resonance of what is occurring on the planet and in humanity.

We are going through a massive upgrade. The high frequency that is leading this charge in our systems, is very powerful in its delivery. Our body physical, our brain, our mind, our emotions and our feelings, are being upgraded to a Light Frequency. This can cause discomfort, overwhelm, and short circuits in our system. There is also a heightened energy in the atmosphere. The keywords of this are exposure, revelation, chaos, and disruption. This is happening on the bigger picture, and this is the transmutative process unfolding on the world stage.

With us, the keywords are revelation, awakening, revolution, and transmutation. Our minds are having to open to the outer realities of what we’ve known, and this is causing fogginess and aspects of the tiredness. We are going to have to learn a new way of breathing, in all aspects of our being. We are all in this process. Know also, that our ego’s will be triggered and highly activated, to not lose its control. One of the signs that this is occurring, is if you are still in the feelings and the perceptions of your pain body. Self-care is so important now and, the loving aspects of discernment and boundaries.

A simple and grounding way to support yourself, is to go for walks daily. This really does help with the transmutation process.

Nancy X